Malaysia’s year in travel

Want to know some interesting nuggets of information regarding the year in travel in 2016 as compiled by travel website TripAdvisor?

For instance, the most reviewed attraction in Malaysia with 5,541 new reviews is the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, while the most reviewed hotel in the country is Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur, with 1,179 reviews.

Year in travel.

Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur was the most reviewed hotel in Malaysia in 2016. Photo: TripAdvisor

The most reviewed city in Malaysia, is Kuala Lumpur, with 99,008 reviews. Second in the list is George Town with 27,547 reviews, and third, Malacca, with 18,999 reviews.

The most reviewed restaurant is George Town’s Red Garden Food Paradise & Night Market with 525 reviews posted this year.

Year in travel.

George Town’s Red Garden Food Paradise and Night Market in Penang is the most reviewed restaurant in Malaysia for 2016. Photo: TripAdvisor

Also, Malaysian reviewers shared their experiences of 77,994 unique locations worldwide, and 3,999 Malaysia-based properties received their first TripAdvisor review this year.

Elsewhere in the world, the most reviewed city in the world is London, with just over a million reviews; Japanese travellers gave more reviews than any other nationality; and the most booked attraction on TripAdvisor is the Alcatraz Island in San Francisco, United States.

Year in travel.

The most booked attraction on TripAdvisor this year is the Alcatraz Island in San Francisco. Photo: TripAdvisor

Worldwide, 3,438,633 different locations were reviewed on TripAdvisor, and nearly 800,000 properties received their first TripAdvisor review this year.

This year saw a huge increase in the number of reviews and opinions posted on TripAdvisor, with over 120 million members posting more than 280 contributions per minute on the website.

TripAdvisor today features over 435 million reviews and opinions, spanning 6.8 million businesses and properties in more than 135,000 destinations.


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