Amazon Echo users can now search Kayak by voice

Amazon Echo users can now search Kayak by voice

A screenshot of the travel website Photo: AFP


Amazon Echo users can now tell Alexa to “ask Kayak” about making travel plans. The Amazon Echo wireless speaker and voice-command service –which responds to the name Alexa – has developed a new skill.

To launch a search of Kaya’s travel information and reservation networks, a user needs simply to turn on the function in the settings and say, fore example, “Alexa, ask Kayak what’s the earliest flight from New York to LA tomorrow morning,” or “Alexa, ask Kayak when is the best time to go to Thailand.”

Unfortunately, asking Alexa to book a ticket for you will get you nowhere, as yet. They system can look up information in response to queries, but there’s not yet a booking function.


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