由于持续的通胀痛苦,美国游客缩短了假期旅行 – 商业时报


个人理财网站 Bankrate 周一(10 月 21 日)发布的调查结果显示,在年收入低于 10 万美元的家庭中,86% 的家庭表示今年将改变平常的假期计划。 More than three-quarters of those making US$100,000 or more are doing the same, the September poll of roughly 2,500 US adults found.

Bankrate 高级行业分析师特德·罗斯曼 (Ted Rossman) 表示,通货膨胀率已经放缓,但多年来成本飙升使假日旅行预算紧张。 Roughly four in five travellers said they plan to make changes to reduce costs, up from 77 per cent last year.

近三分之一做出改变的人预计今年的旅行天数会减少,几乎同样多的人会选择更便宜的目的地或住宿。 More than one in four plan to drive instead of fly and 25 per cent say they will plan activities that cost less.

“They don’t want to skip the trip entirely, but they are willing to make adjustments that lower the cost,” said Rossman.彭博社


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